Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

We are committed to creating an environment that enables people with disability, their families and carers, to have full access to all East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) services, facilities and information.

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) for 2017–2022 (PDF 330KB) was devised in accordance with the statutory responsibilities of the Disability Services Regulations 2004 and other related legislation such as the Equal Opportunity Act of 1984. This plan acknowledges the Department of Health’s 2016 – 2020 DAIP and the requirement for all staff to actively work towards progressing better access and inclusion in our workplaces.

We need your feedback:

EMHS is looking for consumer feedback for our EMHS Disability Access and Inclusion Draft Plan (DAIP) 2024-2029 (PDF).

Please email your feedback on the draft plan to EMHS.GeneralEnquiries@health.wa.gov.au

Last Updated: 23/08/2024