Ultrasound and Imaging

The Ultrasound and Radiology Department at KEMH provides radiology and ultrasound services to identify and treat antenatal and gynaecological issues in women. The centre also assists in the diagnosis of fetal and newborn disorders.


Ultrasound for pregnant patients

An ultrasound is usually done at around 19 weeks of pregnancy to check the development of your baby. Those women who live within the KEMH catchment can ask their GP to refer them to KEMH for a scan before their first antenatal visit otherwise existing KEMH clinic patients will be directly referred. Ultrasound Clinics run Monday to Friday and patients must bring with them their Medicare Card.

Obstetric ultrasounds include:

  • Dating and Viability
  • Combined first trimester screening
  • Growth and placental assessment


What is an Ultrasound? (PDF)

Mid Pregnancy Ultrasound (PDF)

Transvaginal Ultrasound (PDF)


Gynaecologic Ultrasound

Ultrasound clinics run Monday to Frida and patients must bring their Medicare card with them.

Gynaecological ultrasounds include:

  • Pelvic Ultrasound
  • Endometriosis assessment
  • Pelvic floor assessment
  • Pelvic mesh assessment
  • Aspiration of pelvic cysts and abscesses



What is an Ultrasound? (PDF)

Ultrasound assessment of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis (PDF)

Pelvic Ultrasound (PDF)

Transvaginal Ultrasound (PDF)

Saline Infusion Sonography (SIS) and Hystero-Contrast Salpingography (HyCoSy) (PDF)

Saline Infusion and Hyster-Contrast Salpingography: Post care (PDF)

Last Updated: 26/07/2023